Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day 22!

So Day 1 of being 21 has gone pretty so far.
Yesterday I was really thankful to have moms garden rain boots because it was a drizzly mess in Hoboken all day. I had a busy day of classes, getting tests back 70/100 in Bio, with the average being 73, 65/100 in Calc 4, average being 70, so I am getting by, definitely not F territory which is good. I had Belly Dancing which is always so fun, and my last class I had a few hour break before rehearsal of the play. I went to a restaurant East LA to have drinks with my friend Mary Kelly and Abel. It was great to catch up with them and get a free meal out of it too!
Rehearsal consisted of everyone sitting down and just singing the parts they have, so it was low stress and I got to sing the song that I lead - Which makes me so happy!!!

So today-
1. I actally got my Calc 4 test back today
2. I have almost finished the Calc 4 homework due next week
3. I am going to use this whole list thing as my to do list now : Gotta
Do Dishes, 15 min
Laundry, 2 hr
Take out trash, 5 min X
read Bio, 1 hr X
go on a run, 1 hr
read thermo, 1 hr
get groceries, 1 hr
review Figaro, .5 hr
review structures. .5 ?
rehearsal at 9

Lets see how this day turns out!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 21

  1. Went on a run today 8 min run x 2 min walk x 5 times
  2. Got some much needed toilet paper for the room
  3. I found out a band I really like is playing in NY on the last day of classes = Hypnotic Brass Ensemble on May 5th

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day 20!

  1. Today Hoboken had beautiful weather
  2. I caught up on Project Runway!
  3. I did my 7 min run x 2 min walk x 6
  4. I worked on Calculus which is due tomorrow
  5. I am really happy I worked so hard on Thermo hw during the break, I can help other people out and I don't feel lost. Thank the lord

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 19

  1. Long day of classes
  2. Went grocery shopping for the first time in about 2 weeks-hurray for food!
  3. Gonna study & Go to class

Sunday, March 7, 2010

day 17

  1. cool concert
  2. did some calc
  3. Beautiful weather
  4. saw some friends

Friday, March 5, 2010

day 18

  1. Started the morning off well, yoga with my old roommate felt wonderful!!
  2. the weather is nice today, gonna go on a run of 4x2x9
  3. my current roommate asked me if she can start the running program 30 seconds run x 4:30 x 7. I am excited for her!
  4. Calc TA office hours today - my savior!!
  5. Mariachi band on campus, I'm pumped!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day 17

For a sluggish day, I got some stuff done
  1. The W2 form ought to be on its way
  2. Took a thermo quiz
  3. PIZZA

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 17

  1. Found out there is a pop-quiz in class tomorrow, thanks for the notice, professor?
  2. I reviewed a Structures test with a friend, good review
  3. Went on a run today, did the intervals of 4 min walk x 2 min run x 10. Whoo! So, I really ran for 40 minutes today, awesome
  4. Did laundry, always good.
  5. had a fire alarm go off at 1 AM today, wet and rainy, but saw some friends, which is good.
  6. Got my WOot shirt in the mail today! WOOT

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 16

Really, this hasn't been as daily as is necessary. So here is a more current list of good things that have happened recently:
1. I am going to be singing more songs by Sondheim for voice lessons, such as "Another Hundred People" , "Everybody Say's Don't "
2. I went to a birthday party on Saturday, fun
3. Sunday I met with two tutors, so I am getting the support I need, I just need balance it out.

Looking forward to a choir concert for Black History Month this sunday. I will add more later. <3