Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 15


  1. I felt really good about my Calc Test
  2. I had a short design lab, the time allotted is 3 hours, my group got us out in about an hour
  3. I hit the gym
  4. I got my cookies and magnet from home, thanks guys!
  5. I had a good voice lesson
  6. I had fun in choir
  7. I had practice for this Friday's Opera Night. It is going to go well
  1. I finally got in touch with a tutor for Thermo, hurray! The kid I studied with for the last test got 104/100 on the test, I got 70. The average is 40s. Lookin good!
  2. Got through the structures test
  3. Belly Dancing was fun
  4. I Got called from VA! My job is offered again!
  5. I have been reading for biology, studying thermo, trying to be a good student :)
  6. I bought a shirt online from Woot.com! See the image up top! It will be here in 5 business days. It was $10 and I love it
  7. I finally looked at my choir directors personal page which has audio recordings of the music we are all singing. Here is a link to it because it is neat. My opera song "non so piu cosa son" is on there, and as a choir we are singing Bohemian Rhapsody. http://personal.stevens.edu/~breeves/
  8. tomorrow is supposed to be less busy, lookin forward to it! Love you!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Day 14

( I think I haven't been labeling these correctly, oops!)
  1. The weather was very nice today, in the 40s. My run was a little muddy, which is always enjoyable
  2. I met with my Calc 4 tutor for the first time, I was on time and so was he, which was good.
  3. I did yoga with my roommate today, so much fun!
  4. workin hard on my tests

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 11!

  1. Yesterday an RA friend of mine had an event "I love you a latte" which was Delicious!
  2. I finally got through to the right person at the MN DMV, I gave them my address and they are sending me a package! Hurrray!
  3. My VA Roommate is mailing to MN the W2 forms
  4. Bio Test went pretty well
  5. I have been assigned 2 tutors, one for calc, one for thermo
  6. i just made cornbread

Day 11!

  1. Yesterday an RA friend of mine had an event "I love you a latte" which was Delicious!
  2. I finally got through to the right person at the MN DMV, I gave them my address and they are sending me a package! Hurrray!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 11

  1. Beautiful snowfall
  2. visited calc teach for help
  3. found a helpful study guide for tomorrow's bio test
  4. Had a great run
  5. Listening to an awesome musician April Smith!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 10

  1. I cooked myself a solid dinner today for the first time in CPA. My roommate has set off the fire alarm 3 times, so I have been really nervous about cooking there. But I was super careful, and I made myself marinated chicken with brown rice and beans! Solid meal & No Fire Alarm!
  2. I studied for my bio quiz, and it worked
  3. I was almost prepared for a thermo quiz
  4. I am going to see a Hoboken production of Rent this weekend
  5. In belly dancing today we danced to the song 'Disturbia' Totally fun!
  6. i got pretty far in structures homework that is due on Thursday
  7. At the little cafe I got 2 for 1 on a baked good, cuz its closin time!
  8. there may be a snow day, who knows

Monday, February 8, 2010

Day 9!

  1. busy day
  2. choir rehearsal, saw two of my old freshman are coming to join choir now - whoo!
  3. first play rehearsal, I have the ensemble position. i hear i am going to be busy, but, at least I don't have to memorize performing lines. not my strong suit. we 'read' the play
  4. went out to the all hours bagel place after rehearsal; 11:20pm. i still have an assignment to finish and subjects to look over. Whoo! College!
  5. I appreciate having a small college campus because in the "cold" weather you don't need to travel very far
  6. More tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

day 8!

  1. I have officially accepted a role as ensemble member for Assassin's
  2. I got my package from Mom & Dad! Hooray for clothes and belly dancing stuff!!!
  3. I also got a present from my old roommate, she gave me a thermodynamic soundtrack with songs full of thermo keywords "put a lid on it" squirrel nut zippers, "under pressure", a song from They Might Be Giants. It does make getting familiar with the material more enjoyable
  4. I am making the decision to go with my heart, I am not ready to be an RA right now
  5. Hoboken had some snow today! -> I took the plaid boots on a test drive, they survived!
  6. Jessica's green plant sweater has been a hit in the library! This place might as well be a Cat Walk
Love you guys!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 7!

  1. Happy GroundHog's Day, Everybody!
  2. I got a call-back for Assassins, which is strange and a little exciting. The whole, I was positive I did horribly, and I know I will just spend my time doing something else cuz, GOD that went badly. And my next resort is that I put "has played the trumpet for 1 decade" on my little audition sheet, so I will be involved in some matter.
  3. I am getting some cookies from Alina's mother today
  4. I am doing a batch of laundry - WHOO Clean Clothes!
  5. I made some cous-cous and coffee and oatmeal. Yum!
  6. I signed up for tutors for Thermo & Structures
  7. I found the tabs for Blossom Dearie's "They say it's spring", which I love. When I sing and play it, I feel myself getting rosy cheeks because it is just so beautiful!
  8. I have Belly Dancing today!
  9. This week I get to increase my Run/Walk ratio to 1.5 minutes Run to 3.5 Min walk. This whole training program is made much easier when I realized my fancy-pants Ipod has a Stopwatch function. How convenient is that!