Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 7!

  1. Happy GroundHog's Day, Everybody!
  2. I got a call-back for Assassins, which is strange and a little exciting. The whole, I was positive I did horribly, and I know I will just spend my time doing something else cuz, GOD that went badly. And my next resort is that I put "has played the trumpet for 1 decade" on my little audition sheet, so I will be involved in some matter.
  3. I am getting some cookies from Alina's mother today
  4. I am doing a batch of laundry - WHOO Clean Clothes!
  5. I made some cous-cous and coffee and oatmeal. Yum!
  6. I signed up for tutors for Thermo & Structures
  7. I found the tabs for Blossom Dearie's "They say it's spring", which I love. When I sing and play it, I feel myself getting rosy cheeks because it is just so beautiful!
  8. I have Belly Dancing today!
  9. This week I get to increase my Run/Walk ratio to 1.5 minutes Run to 3.5 Min walk. This whole training program is made much easier when I realized my fancy-pants Ipod has a Stopwatch function. How convenient is that!


  1. http://www.theguitarguy.com/theysay2.htm

    These are the tabs for anyone who wants them, and they should, because they are wonderful!
