Monday, December 13, 2010


good things

Let's work backwards
  1. My friend across the ahll has been helping me make headway on this surveying project due on Friday, needs to be done on Thursday night
  2. Amanda, my friend and RA, had a floor meeting with homemade gingerbread cookies with hershey kisses plopped inside them with hot cocoa
  3. I made one of my many hamburger helper mixes for dinner. It was fried chicken asian stir fry. At the beginning of the semester I had bought 10 boxes for 10 dollars and it has been soooo worth it
  4. I got a mani/pedi and flowers finally!
  5. I studied Steel
  6. I made french toast for lunch, shared them with my friend ethan
  7. I found out that I did well on the third steel test
  8. did yoga
  9. I came across a ukulele christmas book online. So fun