Monday, May 27, 2013

5/9/13 To Do list

  1. Registration tags with Hyundai not an issue cuz it's a lease and the tags don't exist in NJ!
  2. Permit Parking in Jersey City - called them, I have to get a money order and be at the office in JC tomorrow morning to pick up the permit signs. OK! 
  3. Hoboken permit parking   too late to do, forget it
  4. call brunell- left voicemail, she will call be back soon turns out she used to work where I had an interview!?!
  5. call lynn - left voicemail
  6. apply online to everything and anything
  7. call gail - sent follow up text to schedule a call tomorrow afternoon
  8. fix light in 915 - call applied housing - $10 to change a D*MN Lightbulb!!???
  9. paint touchups in 158 
  10. New Yorker Account address change - Dad
  11. PSEG Bill
  12. Hoboken Library
  13. Brooklyn Half contact Elysianette Yahoo Group
  14. Laundry - brought it over to 158 with detergent, I will be doing the laundry tomorrow there w/many quarters
  15. pick up dishes from ramie @ 6:15 tonight - Did it, they are all wonderful!!!
  16. clean room 
  17. move possessions from 915 to 158
  18. practice sirens music
  19. Follow up email sent to Hazen and Sawyer, I am still being considered, wait for follow up email by next week! 
  20. follow up email sent to skanska
  21. I should have a debit card by next Wednesday, then I will have cash again! 


1. go to apartment, find fed ex mail slip, determine the location for pick up

2. go to fed ex
a. fax schwab
b. pick up mail from langan sent to fed ex.

3. contact roselyn from HR to set up discussion of benefits, etc

4. apply for 2 jobs

5. pack up apartment

what am i grateful for today?? 5.27.13

1. The long weekend was restful
2. I sang, I rehearsed for Sirens of Gotham
3. I organized the closet
4. Les and I went to Lowes and got some nice supplies
5. We did our laundry
6.I read a book called Engineering Happiness, very interesting
7. I sent off the rent check
8. Les and I had a good dinner
9. I went on a run in the perfect weather