Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Jan 16

1. Having bought Skinny Cow ice cream pops during the weekend and eating one the second i got home.
2. Finding a parking space the second i am in hoboken!
3. Leaving work at 10
4. Getting to the site on time in Massapeque NY
5. Learning while on the field site

Thursday, January 10, 2013


1. went bowling and got beers with co-workers
2. my seat has changed in my office for the better
3. I got a parking space
4. I still have the apartment to myself
5. I was complemented on my sweater at work today

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Jan 6


1. Went to a wedding - very fun!
2. I got my wedding gift in the knick of time!
3. I didnt lose anything, but my bf did... his jacket :(
4. I am having a lazy day now!
5. Today I have successfully set up my auto-pay for the Federal loans, Paid for my current balance on them - ouch - and I  have set up a deposit for that old xmas bonus I got about a month ago.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Jan. 4th

Good things for Friday
1. I had survived my first *two day* week back to work
2. I also survived my first fire drill at my job. Don't worry, there wasn't a real fire, just an accidental pull. Someone on the second floor of the building had apparently just moved into a new cubicle and was unfamiliar with it's layout - which included a fire alarm... which eventually resulted in a fire-drill. It brought be back to my college days, except the alarm wasn't at midnight, and I wasn't wearing my pajamas.
3. I got a little further on my mission of getting a hold on my loans today, and I found out that I will not receive a late penalty for paying my loan a few days late, just when it is 90 days late. WHEW!
4. I hung out with friends, had a delicious dinner of yogurt marinated chicken, wild rice with apricot, and carrots with mint.
5. We also watched a documentary on happiness,


 which feels appropriate at the beginning of the year, and at the beginning of my life where I start having to pay people back for the loans that got me my education. Seeing that poorer people then myself are rich with relationships gives me hope, and a reminder to keep in touch with the people I love.

Like family, friends, the elysianettes, neighbors, colleages, and alumni.

I definitely love whoever reads this blog *wink*

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Jan 3rd

Good Evening,

Here's my list
1. I ran this morning
2. I got 2 bottles of Westfall Winery Wine at work
3. I had a beer with co-workers
4. I have an empty apartment where I can wear my foxy pajamas in confidence
5. I read the New Yorker for the first time on the East Coast
6. Talking with my folks!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013