Saturday, December 18, 2010


  1. 2 finals done, one more to go
  2. I have very supportive friends and family!
  3. Hilary brought me pizza
  4. abel gave me a pep talk and a massage
  5. i don't have to do anything during my workstudy, so I 'read' two magazines for a few hours. I like the advertisements supporting magazine readership, in the magazines
  6. I went on a run this morning!
  7. I would say I was 2/3 prepared for that fluids final, which is better than 1/2
  8. I am wearing my very nice vintage dress
  9. Amanda gave me some chamomile tea
  10. I have discovered the quiet rooms in the library, they are like being at church during a prayer service, except I need some incense. My roommate who is very sensitive to smell has let me borrow her febreze. I am a Febrezing fool now!!

Friday, December 17, 2010


  1. I turned in my autocad project.
  2. my group members really helped me out yesterday.
  3. i have $35 on my duckbills, and I am sure I will whittle that down to 0 by monday
  4. I just went on my first run in about a month, a good, slow 4 miler!
  5. I got my cookie package in the mail, thank you, guys!
  6. I checked with financial aid and I am granted the rest of my money for workstudy next semester. Yay!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


  1. been working hard
  2. got a dress

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Workin backwards, once again
  1. did my part for my last lab of the semester
  2. went out to see a free movie with my friend. We saw the Tourist. Horrible! But free
  3. Felt pretty prepared for my Steel final
  4. got a B on the third Steel test
  5. it is only tuesday, so i have wednesday, thursday, and friday to study some more

Monday, December 13, 2010


good things

Let's work backwards
  1. My friend across the ahll has been helping me make headway on this surveying project due on Friday, needs to be done on Thursday night
  2. Amanda, my friend and RA, had a floor meeting with homemade gingerbread cookies with hershey kisses plopped inside them with hot cocoa
  3. I made one of my many hamburger helper mixes for dinner. It was fried chicken asian stir fry. At the beginning of the semester I had bought 10 boxes for 10 dollars and it has been soooo worth it
  4. I got a mani/pedi and flowers finally!
  5. I studied Steel
  6. I made french toast for lunch, shared them with my friend ethan
  7. I found out that I did well on the third steel test
  8. did yoga
  9. I came across a ukulele christmas book online. So fun

Sunday, December 12, 2010

last good things of the semester

Hi fam,

I will try to make this a part of the ritual of the last week
  1. I am further along in my surveying project that is due friday
  2. I had a homemade breakfast with my friend Larry, who also explained a few concepts I had trouble with before
  3. The rainy weather turned around later in the day
  4. During the Messiah sing there were trumpet players and timpanis
  5. I ordered food for the first time in college today. It was worth it

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

good things

or what am i thankful for:

the top floor of the library
the onward ticking of the clock
getting to cross the days on the calender off
and old tests.
The cafe that stays open til midnight
that makes cocoa with a shot of vanilla
a magic picture phone
heating and cooling, so I guess thermodynamics, conduction factors. energy bands and diagrams..

New days at the end of old days, and a great New York skyline

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Dec 2nd

  1. I felt really good after my Fluids test. Studying worked
  2. I made a coffee, banana smoothie. Thank you, blender
  3. I just met with my Materials tutor, we discussed the hw which I have to finish tonight, big help. We also set up the next time we are meeting.
  4. I finally got the guts to ask this girl who usually sings for the jazz band to sing with me sometime.
  5. Today during design we tried to make and organic LED ourt of glass and coating it with stuff
  6. today during my surveying class we watched people place 25lb weights on concrete beams that were formed last week/2 wks ago.
  7. choir tonight
  8. tomorrow is friday